The long legs are an adaptation that may allow the fly to alight in grassy places.
Though the sun had long since given up the fight, we dragged Durselves over the rim of the hill to a level, grassy place.
White Clitocybe species, that also grow on lawns, and in grassy places (dangerous).
He was standing out in the grassy place before the cottage while he thought these things.
At last they halted in a quiet grassy open place atop a high point along the ridge.
To see them in grassy places, denotes assured success.
Lorena sat down on a grassy place in the sun and let the water drip off her legs.
Then, since the sun was already hot, she found a grassy place that wasn't too wet and lay down to have a nap.
He found a grassy place on highish ground and curled up to sleep.
Whenever you cannot find her she is most likely in a grassy place taking a nap.