There were grass stains and dirt in the crotch of his undershorts.
I'll stick to my breeches, grass stains and all, for the moment.
My dress would have to go to the dry cleaners and even then, I had the sinking feeling the grass stains were here to stay.
To remove stubborn grass stains, rub them with a cloth dipped in lemon juice.
That's why she's got grass stains and dirt on one foot.
For many players, the games are a weekly lark - light running and a few grass stains - followed by a few beers.
Shirts can be laundered only so many times before they lose their crispness, and pants suddenly develop grass stains.
This being spring training, no one cared enough to inspect for grass stains.
This often happens when enzyme-fortified laundry products go to work on grass stains and blood.
His shirt, fragile as it was, had survived the altercation with nothing more than some grass stains.