For a few days the grass lay bare again.
Sliced down with a succulent sound and smelling of spice, the grass lay in high swaths.
Trees had fallen all about us, and as far as we could see, the grasses lay flat and matted upon the ground.
Carolinus tottered, the flowers and grass lay flat, and even Smrgol winced.
Fog curled off dirtied patches of snow, and last season's grass lay flattened and brown against soil still rutted with ice.
The two men stirred, sloshing the water as they climbed from the canal where the grass lay parted and broken.
Only grass, silvered by moonlight, open to view from the walls, lay between them and the hedges and palms of the garden now.
The grasses lay crushed under the deluge and the land drank in the rain thirstily.
The bright short grass lay all one way like brushed hair.
The grass lay oddly brushed to, side in some places, swirled and broken in others.