I threw out my hands, trying to grasp an exposed tree root or an overhanging branch, anything I could.
He was swept along for a hundred yards, then grasped a low branch and hauled himself clear.
The hand is grasping a green olive branch, and three red lightning bolts.
Grasping a branch for support, I stared through the leaves at the valley of Shooting Creek.
On the Great Seal, there is an eagle grasping an olive branch in its right talon.
When he was found, after a two-hour search, his hand was grasping a branch above the waterline.
He scraped his legs up the wide trunk until his right hand grasped a higher branch.
The woman, symbolizing Hope, grasps a branch of laurel as the sun rises behind her.
Anaya waited for him to catch up, which he did by grasping an overhead branch and swinging over the gap.
Then one arose and grasping a burning branch from the fire hurled it at the eyes, which immediately disappeared.