By chance, CBS News had a camera crew accompanying emergency rescue teams in Boston that night and recorded graphic videotape that was broadcast locally.
A graphic videotape showing the killing was delivered to the United States consulate here on Feb. 21.
A graphic videotape showing his killing was received by the United States Consulate here on Feb. 21.
With the nation gripped by the graphic videotape of Los Angeles police officers beating a motorist, the New York case helped to heighten a renewed debate about police brutality.
One surgeon showed short graphic videotapes of implant extractions.
The graphic videotape of the boy's death showed him cowering behind his father as the two crouched against a cinder-block wall and behind a round cement block, seeking protection from fierce gunfire.
As a new member of Mr. Burt's group, Mr. Griffin participated in a couple protests and viewed several graphic anti-abortion videotapes.
On Feb. 21, the American Consulate here received a graphic videotape, which has never been publicly released, showing Mr. Pearl's killing.
Here also was the graphic videotape of Ms. Nussbaum, taken when she was arrested with Mr. Steinberg, showing all her bruises, her ulcerated leg.