It attained the rating for "strong crude sexual content including dialogue, graphic nudity and pervasive language".
The other two contain scenes of extremely graphic sexuality and graphic nudity.
"We said to them, 'There's not going to be any graphic nudity or anything that will reflect badly on you."'
The author of the column, a 23-year-old senior, agreed in his response: "I'm sorry, but when did graphic nudity and bodily functions become art?"
It includes graphic nudity, sexual situations and discreetly brief flashes of terrible brutality.
Some viewers criticized the graphic nudity seen in the pilot, especially in the US.
It includes graphic nudity and sexual situations.
It includes both explicit and implied violence, as well as profanity and graphic nudity.
Deadgirl is rated R for "strong aberrant sexuality, graphic nudity, bloody violence, and pervasive language".