Their plain style, in fact, bears out Ms. Bourgeois's view of the graphic medium's functional role.
The purpose of this organization is to serve as an experimental space for traditional graphic mediums such as lithography, etching and serigraphy but with contemporary designs.
Mr. Kahn plainly knows what he is doing but gives the impression of being constricted by the graphic medium.
Many see the best antidote to the spread of Powerpoint in a graphic medium that is expanding even faster than the use of presentation software: the Web.
Signac, who continued his activity as a print-maker into the period after the First World War, uses the graphic medium superbly.
Similarly, the American painter-etcher movement accomplished more than the estheticizing of the graphic medium.
They're really giving you their understanding of whatever happens to be around them, in a graphic medium.
In 1922, clearly sensing that he could exorcise his demons only in a graphic medium, he moved from Dresden to Dusseldorf to learn printmaking.
In the foreword to Book 23, Eisner claims that the work helped carve a niche for the graphic novel medium.
Though he appreciated small scale graphic work and was an enthusiastic collector of English engravings he worked relatively little in graphic mediums.