Wives often request to leave the island to visit the land below; however, these requests are almost never granted because the women who leave Laputa never want to return.
This may be granted either for fitting out purposes or because the market is flat due to the economic climate.
Charlton writer/editor Nick Cuti described Howard's credit being granted because the book, "... was his idea, his concept, his everything."
"People take him for granted because Jeff's always good," says Bogdanovich.
Finally, people can take for granted the characteristics of a particular category because the category itself may be an arbitrary grouping.
The officials spoke only if granted anonymity because the official announcement will not be made until Friday and details of the speech are still being approved.
But fewer than a tenth that number have been granted because eligibility is governed by a complicated system of preferences allocated on a worldwide basis.
The model takes such actions for granted because its reduction of macro to micro has bracketed out the conditions under which it might be put in question.
Current and former American intelligence and law enforcement officials who discussed the matter were granted anonymity because the intelligence-gathering program is highly classified.
Even if we tend to take it for granted because we watch it on TV.