Much of the federal grant budget moves to the states through formula and block grants - state, regional, and local Federal offices often handle grants applications and funds disbursement.
Each year the Foundation has increased its grant budget in order to increase its impact.
The first year, that amount was to represent 75 percent of their grant budgets.
One provision would cap awards to individual states at 15 percent of the agency's total grant budget.
The Arco Foundation, created by the Atlantic Richfield Company, cut its grant budget from a peak of $36.8 million in 1983 to $11.2 million this year.
With a yearly grant budget of $200,000, the VLF funds from 26-32 non-profit adult literacy organizations per year.
But at least for this year, Packard is not cutting its grant budget, said George Vera, the treasurer.
Without the multistate money, Ms. Simon said, New York received $7.1 million, or 12 percent of the total grant budget.
Seven years later, in October 1984 under the Reagan administration, Head Start's grant budget exceeded $1 billion.
Idham Samawi figure plays a major role in this success, which of course is supported by a grant budget of Bantul district with the approval of parliament.