Ensign Brain, concealed by a granite post at the library entrance, was seated on a yellow- chair, smoking.
So, in 1902 the area up on the hill was designated as a cemetery, and granite posts were hammered into the dirt, forming a crude square.
He came to a halt just short of the granite post that marked one side of the ungated entry to the paved plaza.
Cameron jumped down from the granite post and walked over to his little committee.
The gates to Griffen's house were set in imposing granite posts.
The stone griffon heads, carved portions of the granite post, had served as The Shadow had planned.
There is a granite post commemorating the perfect game on the Becker College campus.
New quarries had been dug in the hills and granite posts marked the miles from Rome, spreading the shadow farther than it had reached before.
He walked by granite posts near the house.
The gateway consists of granite posts supporting cast iron gates and topped with large granite spheres.