After about 4 or 5 races I left the clubhouse and went own to the grandstand area.
Since the circuit is wedged between the mountains, the pit area and the grandstand area are the two vantage points for spectators.
This practice, however, would prove to be inconvenient, and increasingly expensive in the long run, since the grandstand area encompassed portion of the Magic Kingdom parking lot.
The original stadium area was prepared in 1934 and then enlarged in 1937 with a grandstand area having a capacity of 4,200 spectators.
There is also a special grandstand viewing area, with reserved seating.
They march off as the President and the CSAFP walk towards the grandstand area to meet the other dignitaries.
The renovations will allows for the metal roof that sits over the grandstand area to be repaired.
The location of the diamond and consequently the main grandstand seating area was shifted several times during the park's existence.
Stage 2 involves the installation of additional floodlights and a new grandstand seating area.
No one died in the blaze; however 106 to 222 were reported injured when the grandstand area collapsed.