When my Italian grandparents arrived in this country, their English was poor and they poorer.
I'm grateful that America welcomed legal immigrants-however imperfectly-back when my grandparents were arriving.
Ms. Barrack, whose grandparents arrived in the 1920's, wandered around taking pictures of her neighbors.
My grandparents arrived in 1880, and found a place to live and work.
Her grandparents arrive, revealing they too are ghosts and so is Katie.
Your grandparents just arrived.
"Beginnings" begins when his grandparents arrive in 1900 from Italy to the house where he now lives.
His grandparents, he said, arrived from Lithuania "penniless, in the steerage of a rusty freighter."
Just after the nurse wheeled Spencer up to x-ray, Daniel's grandparents arrived, their faces pale and strained with worry.
The attitude had originated more than 30 years ago, when the parents or grandparents of today's students first arrived from Morocco, Turkey, Iraq.