Surely the grandiose title of this is tongue in cheek.
Many barons assigned themselves grandiose titles, such as archbaron, duke, or prince.
Giving itself a grandiose title does not a research institute make.
There's a bit of curious arithmetic behind this exhibition's grandiose title.
Today's negusa nagast might carry, as had all those before him, a long list of grandiose and splendid titles.
All national security advisers suffer the problem of a grandiose title.
Here at Slate, though, we eschew grandiose titles like "editor in chief," let alone "founder."
This rather grandiose title covers the efforts of the European Council to achieve tangible progress that is also measurable by individual citizens.
This grandiose title is followed by a total of 9 headings and 26 points.
Whoever suggested the grandiose title and subtitle of this book was looking down the wrong end of a microscope.