Eradication refers to the successful killing of every tsetse, either in a region or, under more grandiose proposals, from the entire African continent.
Sub-Committees and Sub-Sub-Committees (of the NEC) had produced grandiose proposals for nationalising anything and pretty nearly everything.
That at Lehman casts its net as far as the outer boroughs, featuring grand, often grandiose, proposals for public parks submitted by artists to the Public Art Fund.
After all, as he so cogently put it, "I'm a totally uncredentialed amateur making fairly grandiose proposals to some pretty important people."
In 1592 a grandiose proposal received consideration: an unnamed individual offered to farm all the queen's woods for £20,000 a year.
The city's authorities, who had few resources, did not have the means to finance grandiose proposals.
Time and again the avenue has been the focus of grandiose proposals by civic leaders who dreamed of transforming it into a cultural Acropolis.
He had been able to drag his heels on all of Jul's more grandiose proposals.
Residents have opposed traffic-clogged streets and other threats they saw in more grandiose proposals.
Buried under all those vague philosophical musings, pretentious phrases ("reflexivity," "radical fallibility") and grandiose proposals, Soros has a valid point.