He laid out plans for a grandiose palace, and completed murals commissioned by the Abbot of Tihany for his abbey church on the shore of Lake Balaton.
Behind the grandiose palaces and boulevards, you can discover intimate courtyards and gardens; behind historic façades are craft workshops and research institutions.
Housed in Batista's grandiose palace, it provides a fascinating overview of Castro's climb to power (no mention of the Special Period privations).
While the sculptures and grandiose palaces of the period are familiar, royalty promoted watercolorists who often depicted the lush French countryside.
Laid out in 1715, streets radiate like spokes from its grandiose palace.
"Here, under this grandiose palace with its inlaid woods and fine marbles, is this underground bunker with reinforced concrete and steel," Dr. Post said.
The grandiose palace, famed for opulent interiors of its 700 rooms and halls, was meant to symbolize the grandeur of the Russian state.
During a four-hour tour of the lawless city today, the calmest point, oddly, was Mr. Hussein's grandiose presidential palace.
One engraving shows a grandiose palace, with three courts and two oval halls.
The architecture of Rome at the time was characterised by grandiose palaces, rich interiors, frescos and elegant cartouches.