Mr. Lovins, a balding slightly built man with a trace of middle-age paunch, pursues his grandiose goals without a hint of flamboyance.
They voiced grandiose goals in the yearlong investigation by the federal agents and the police, officials said.
She creates the illusion of "a grandiose goal," such as a letter to a President weighing a country's fate on the eve of war.
But I contest the possibility of achieving so grandiose a goal with the resources available.
"Hold the lifepod, comrade, but might I suggest it is too early in the game to conceive of such grandiose goals?"
A mass of dead stone, an impressive monumentality dedicated to our once grandiose goals, now unattainable, for the usable space within is infinitesmial.
Since the latest leak, support for Bootstrap's Cruithne project and its grandiose goals had evaporated.
Keenan had grandiose goals and the vicious drive to reach them.
Jean Monnet, who launched the idea, had a grandiose goal - to make another war between Germany and France impossible.
While Edison would have buried all the transmission lines, Tesla had the far more grandiose goal of doing away with them.