Mr. Lambert smiled downward with his best sincere grandfatherly smile.
"And I remember he gave me the sweetest, most grandfatherly smile."
I can't imagine anyone I'd rather have working at my side," Merlin said with a warm, grandfatherly smile.
"So you're the girl who has the BMD homicide file," the Admiral said with a charming, grandfatherly smile.
Even his grandfatherly smile made the prisoner's dirty face pale.
By the time he achieved his greatest success, in his final coaching years, he had tempered his gruffness and was known to flash a grandfatherly gap-toothed smile.
His mouth quirked in a grotesque grandfatherly smile, revealing a mottled tongue and rounded, wormeaten teeth.
Constable Chang looked expectantly toward Dr. X. The Doctor adjusted his robes and adopted a radiant, grandfatherly smile.
Russell asked with a grandfatherly smile.
A security guard with a grandfatherly smile extends two hands to shake Aguirre's hand.