But long before his death, Hirohito had become a benign, grandfatherly figure, a symbol of national unity and continuity.
"You were chosen because you actually are a grandfatherly figure," Schwangyu said.
He was not much of a grandfatherly figure, but he taught me a way to be and the importance of excellence.
A grandfatherly figure, his bearded face wrinkled into a smile, peers down from billboards around town.
He is regarded as an amiable, honest and down-to-earth grandfatherly figure.
Erbakan, a grandfatherly figure, moves delicately, gestures calmly and speaks softly.
They've known nothing else, and they see me as just a grandfatherly figure who tells old war stories.
He is a grandfatherly figure, 5 feet 8 inches tall and bald, and more than happy to make fun of both conditions.
A popular grandfatherly figure he was "a little eccentric and shy in his role as a media spokesman".
No one looked at him as anything other than a grandfatherly figure.