They expect me to feel like some sort of hero; as if I were full of a grand purpose.
Once upon a time, a Republican president and a California tree-hugger were united in grand purpose.
With a grand purpose in mind, the building was officially rented in 1996 and purchased soon thereafter.
Witness the image of the watch: it remained easy to think of the system as having a grand purpose built into it.
Everything out there is alive, and there are grand purposes abroad!
They ponder how to accomplish our grand purpose.
Suddenly, a grand, generous purpose fired her soul, and she called out: "Mary Grant!
The club itself was upstairs, a single large room with bare floorboards, its size decrying a grander purpose in days long gone.
Everything served a grand purpose for Wilson and was a component of an embracing and harmonious philosophy.
She could not do the smallest thing without a grand purpose.