Sir PETER USTINOV celebrated his 70th birthday on Tuesday at a grand gala in Paris that brought together about 800 friends and admirers.
She suspected it would have been put off even longer if this night hadn't been the night of the announcement at the grand gala.
The festival includes agricultural exhibitions, and street parades, climaxing in a grand gala at Kingston's National Stadium.
Between 1849 and 1906 Holly Lodge became world famous as the rural retreat of one of the most remarkable women of the 19th century with grand galas and festivities taking place in the house and the meadows.
All the above are meant for evening wear for just about any event short of a grand gala.
Conjure up such wild images as, say, arriving at a chic restaurant bundled up in a parka, or attending a grand gala in a bathrobe, and you will be right on target.
Construction began in 2009 and the center opened with a grand gala featuring Rod Stewart on November 1, 2011.
He had reread it just the other day, stared at it for hours, remembering the grand gala given in his honor that had followed the article.
Two of New York's grandest annual galas are at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and Carnegie Hall, and this year will be no exception.
It is to be a grand gala!