There is not a single explosive moment, not one grand climax.
Although he rose to the grand climaxes, he seems most comfortable as a miniaturist.
There are no grand climaxes; at the end the music drifts away.
The song is notable for its structure, and its function as a grand climax to the suite.
I suspected that they were building to some grand climax.
Anything else would be repetition, and a grand climax will tolerate no second presentation.
"Lewis was trying things out, working toward the grand climax of this concert, when the main attack would come," Liz said, seriously.
This is the last battle and grand climax of the book.
Whether or not he could do much of anything before the grand climax depended on a lot of factors.
This was going to be your career's grand climax and you wanted to keep it to yourself until you could make your splendid announcement.