In 1992, with the approval of the government, he became grand ayatollah of Iraq's Shiite community.
He gained additional pre-eminence with the deaths of two other grand ayatollahs, in 1992 and 1993.
Only three living Shiite clerics now bear the title of grand ayatollah.
Nevertheless, according to a cleric only needs acceptance of a few grand ayatollahs to be recognized as 'marja'.
The Americans' assumption that they have the grand ayatollah in their pocket could not be more misguided.
Four grand ayatollahs objected to his decision, but he backed down only when the supreme leader stepped in.
Iraqi political figures who attended the meeting said the grand ayatollah was critical of postwar conditions in Iraq.
But those times, I'd pick up the phone and call the grand ayatollah to ask when it was Ramadan.
Mr. Khoei's father, the grand ayatollah, died in 1992 after being placed under house arrest.
Three of them were representatives of the grand ayatollahs collectively known as the marjaiah.