In the 1950s many teachers found that exercises in grammatical analysis did not help children to raise their standards in the use of English.
A concordance alphabetises all words in their context and is extremely useful for certain types of grammatical analysis.
Compound words may be quite useful for various parts of grammatical analysis but are not of much use in phonology.
Excerpt only of original text; detailed grammatical analysis, English translation.
The problem with adult learners is that they already have strategies for grammatical analysis and can efficiently use context in communication.
A Dutch speaker simply knows these expressions by heart without doing any overt or latent grammatical analysis upon them.
Most of what we call Remez can be clearly understood by resorting to exact translation and grammatical analysis.
While this is no longer true today, her grammatical analysis of metaphor is highly original, and its implications have yet to be fully recognized.
The second column contains a word-by-word translation and grammatical analysis.
This approach to grammatical analysis is largely the brainchild of Chomsky.