Critics of Cuba, who oppose lifting any part of the embargo, say the Castro government succeeded in paying the American companies only by diverting cash from grain suppliers in other countries, suppliers that are already owed billions of dollars.
As the Soviet Union's main grain supplier, Argentina was the Soviet Union's most significant import partner in the Third World in 1980, 1981, and 1983.
If the museum operated under the same free-market principles as grain suppliers, its directors would simply raise prices or offer more Matisse.
When Bunge & Born was founded here in 1884, a spinoff of a Dutch company founded by a German, Johannpeter G. Bunge, South America was poised to become the world's main grain supplier.
Russia's problems are deepened by the fact that the other two major regional grain suppliers - Kazakhstan and Ukraine - have also had problems this year.
During the Roman domination it was one of the main grain supplier of the Empire, and was the seat of several legions, which guarded it from the never-Romanized population of the inner areas.
This, suggest farming insiders, has the potential for Frontier to exert significant control on farmers and rival grain suppliers.
A MUTUAL investment fund for Eastern Europe is being launched today with the backing of Continental Grain, the private American company which is one of the world's biggest grain suppliers.
Major coarse grain suppliers include Argentina, Australia, Canada, France, Thailand, and the United States.
The Greek grain merchants in London and Odessa lost access to their traditional grain suppliers and markets and, rather than close, they seized the chance to invest in merchant fleets of steamships, and specialized in tramp shipping.