That shell throws a 2000-something grain bullet out at about 2600 feet per second.
In the early 20th century, it was a popular big game and varmint round, developing around 1460 ft/s with 86 grain bullets.
The round failed to reach the desired velocity, but reached 4600 fps with a 50 grain bullet and 105 grains of H570 powder.
It wilt push a 150 grain bullet out there at 2800 feet per second.
The .32 Long fired a slightly heavier 90 grain bullet at approximately the same velocity.
There was a very similar 8.5mm Mars cartridge firing a 139 grain bullet at 1550 feet per second.
Able to propel a 300 grain bullet at over 2700 feet per second for 4,900 ft./lbs.
Factory loads drive a 266 grain bullet at 3350 feet per second from a 30" barrel.
If the 250 grain bullet is used, it is reliable against the great bears.
A new, 500 grain (32 g) bullet was adopted in that year for use in the stronger arm.