Husbands and wives were bound by deep ties-like two branches grafted together.
The photo consists of two separate shots grafted together because Quinn was "pulling a disgusting face in the original".
A graft-and-block copolymer is two different polymers grafted together.
When the trees' branches in this grid met those of neighboring trees, they were grafted together.
Lucas's lower lip, shaped like one of those rare berries that is in fact two grafted together, protruded defiantly.
And the novel itself grafts together not just those two voices, but different narrative modes as well.
Several seedlings can be grafted together into one to produce very interesting specimen plants.
Higgins This is a haphazard kind of place: three rooms on two levels casually grafted together on a downtown corner.
It was as if one had begun to make a machine which was also a man, metal and flesh grafted together.
In the end "The Perfect Storm" feels like two movies grafted together.