If you haven't got tickets for a show, it's still worth seeing the building for its rustic architecture, preserved graffiti walls and river views.
Others disagree with this approach, arguing that the presence of legal graffiti walls does not demonstrably reduce illegal graffiti elsewhere.
Then a graffiti wall was painted by the band itself and Paris, formed by nine parts.
"Then I could either paint it black, building a big graffiti wall, or they could have it to do what they wanted with it."
Mr. Guthrie visited the restaurant May 5, 2008, and inaugurated the adjacent graffiti wall.
Outside, there is a legal graffiti wall.
He also updated the audience on the status of the product that he and his partner had pitched, an electronic graffiti wall.
There were, however, in a marble-lined hole of the graffiti wall, some human bones.
She danced in front of graffiti walls, and in front of a giant heart on a video screen.