This articulation of broad principles led to its very gradual and fragmented implementation during the next 40 years.
It's tempting to try and do too much at once but a gradual implementation is more likely to be successful.
In some places, the gradual implementation of the policies did not eliminate anger.
The gradual implementation of various legislation over the following decade allowed many counties to vastly improve roads under their jurisdiction.
It was in favour of the gradual implementation of universal suffrage.
The common position reached in Council sets out a clear path for a gradual and controlled implementation of the internal market for postal services.
Its gradual implementation in its present form began as of June 2007.
The report presents convincing arguments in favour of the gradual implementation of this project.
We are applying a double standard but, apart from that, the proposal concerns a gradual implementation of these measures.
In addition, the gradual implementation of decentralization to local institutions and municipalities is supported.