Earthquakes appear suddenly, and most of the stories told about them focus on the surprise of the victims and the gradual discovery of consequences.
The gradual discovery by Claremont athletes that brains and brawn do go together has helped make the school especially sports-minded.
Attending to those details, however, took time and money and only resulted in the gradual discovery of even more things that needed fixing, painting, cleaning or replacing.
"I'd fallen in love before, and it was some sort of gradual discovery," Mr. Rowen said.
This section is written as a gradual discovery on the narrator's part of the effects of the Holocaust on Aurach and his family.
For Paul, it is the gradual discovery of Charlotte, herself still mourning the loss of her first husband.
The gradual posthumous discovery of Schubert manuscripts had a huge effect on Robert Schumann's development as a composer.
The gradual discovery of the scheme and the rebellion against it, serve as the backdrop to the first three seasons, but also as a metaphor for the war within ourselves.
A central motif is her gradual discovery of the estuary, beginning with the view from the windows of her home.
It is, in the end, the story of Jerry's self-discovery, which means that it depends on the reader's gradual discovery of his personality.