Their gradual advance must have taken the better part of another hour.
During this period Wessex continued its gradual advance to the west, overwhelming the British kingdom of Dumnonia.
It happened slowly, the advances gradual until what Dr. Gernot Zippe and his colleagues had invented was a compact, almost elegant device for collecting uranium's rare U-235 isotope.
A gradual advance or retreat of the sea from its highest point would surely have produced pock marks all the way down to present sea-level.
In most of the cemeteries explored, both bronze and iron furniture were found, indicating the gradual advance into the Iron Age.
Stock prices staged a gradual advance through a quarterly "triple witching hour."
The treaty was preceded by a gradual Russian advance throughout the nineteenth century into Kazakhstan in direct competition with British efforts to open China.
The treaty was preceded by a gradual Russian advance throughout the 18th century into Kazakhstan.
As the Soviet armies shifted to the offensive during the winter of 1942-43, the 89th Division began its gradual advance toward the Crimea.
Baghdad has made a series of gradual advances into Kurdish territory, most recently in March.