Samaranch also wanted the best athletes to compete in the Olympics, which led to the gradual acceptance of professional athletes.
This change can in part be attributed to societies' gradual acceptance of what constitutes normal and harmless sexual experiences between consenting adults.
Clark Kent's arc revolved around the gradual acceptance of his destiny and becoming a hero.
Over the years, they have found gradual, perhaps grudging, acceptance by the law firms whose bills they inspect.
When prenups were introduced in the 1970's, they were initially met with skepticism, followed by gradual acceptance.
The gradual acceptance of electronic filing by U.S. courts has had a negative effect on the market.
While progress is slow, foreign visitors to North Korea report a gradual acceptance of markets and foreigners.
These instructions from the boss have helped create a gradual acceptance of the system by the officials as the season has progressed.
Thus, emphasis must be placed upon gradual acceptance rather than the expectation of instant success.
In general, the gradual acceptance of failure as part of a learning process necessary for success can bring the desired results.