Although this was at first brutally enforced against men's communities, protests resulted in gradual abandonment of the measures.
Two main hypotheses were advanced concerning this gradual abandonment of the site over several decades.
More an insight into the feelings of gradual abandonment and loneliness and isolation these people feel.
Budget cuts resulted in teacher layoffs and the gradual abandonment of the arts as an essential element of students' academic development.
What led to Edzná's decline and gradual abandonment remains a mystery.
Researchers like Aimers favor a gradual abandonment of the site at a much later time period than other sites in the region.
Its gradual abandonment was due first to the difficulty of securing representatives in the early parliaments.
In particular, the gradual abandonment of a regular beat caused great offence and alienated many traditionalists.
Contact with Europeans may have led to the gradual abandonment of the mound.
It will also contribute to the abandonment, however gradual, of practices that are damaging to the environment.