Low grade fever, transient gut pain, and a sense of inability to absorb nutrients are some reported symptoms in otherwise undiagnosed patients.
Other symptoms include low grade fever, swollen glands (post cervical lymphadenopathy), joint pains, headache and conjunctivitis.
Had terrible stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, low grade fever.
Some report constitutional symptoms such as low grade fever and aches.
There is no evidence of stiff neck or high grade fever.
However, there are those patients who have sub-optimal response to corticosteroids and continue to run a low grade fever with bandemia.
People are usually able to walk and may have a low grade fever.
Soreness at the injection site or minor aches and low grade fever may be present for several days.
Infected animals may have low grade fever and congested mucous membrane.
Low grade fever and peripheral adenopathy may be present.