He offered to return the boys' money, but the host, Max, graciously declined, and told the pro to keep it.
Mike volunteers to marry her (much to Liz's distress), but Tracy graciously declines.
When asked to explain the difference between this season and last, Isringhausen graciously declined to cite the lack of support from his teammates.
Salatrel graciously declined Tracius's unspoken offer to check his conclusions.
When one is asked to drink with another, he must comply or decline graciously, if he would not give a direct insult.
I graciously declined; this back-and-forth generosity could have gone on for days - and I wanted to get back to the beach.
Criss was seriously considering the move but then graciously declined the offer and continued with his brother and Savatage.
Of course Aunt Queen wanted to see me alone, but I graciously declined.
Though Colonel Seden had been offered the relatively comfortable driver's seat up front, he graciously declined.
We graciously decline, and instead go to the cinema.