Asked about this in an interview yesterday, Mr. Baron said, "I got a very gracious reception from the people on the staff and I appreciated that.
Against a backdrop of the Danube River and a sweeping view of the city below, he delivered a 13-minute speech that offered thanks all around, including to the Hungarian people "for their gracious reception."
No command could have been more agreeable to me, for every one was certain of a gracious reception from Josephine.
I beg that your Majesty will grant him the same gracious reception he experienced at Paris and at Warsaw.
The English courtiers were greatly incensed at the gracious reception accorded by the king to these notable rebels.
D'Artagnan came again on the morrow and the day after that, and each day Milady gave him a more gracious reception.
Over all, the mayor received a gracious reception.
Dr. Albright was given a gracious reception and spent six hours in constructive talks with Kim Jong Il, the North Korean leader.
Expressions of love and regard deserve a more gracious reception than "it's the thought that counts."
While sometimes mistaken for a messenger, or in at least one case, for a nut, the lanky 35-year-old usually gets a gracious reception.