This graceful structure is one of the few remaining examples of a Russian church topped with a belltower.
Here's what I don't get: wind turbines are among the most graceful structures being built in the world today.
Scheduled to open in 2006, the graceful structure is the port of Miami through floor-to-ceiling windows.
Flat-roofed and square, all the buildings were low, graceful structures.
Tinilith were the more graceful structures, the most important building for Drizzt at that tentative moment lined the wall to his right.
This graceful structure was the first permanent building on upper campus, then called Temple Hill.
The building was a graceful high-rise structure, far more inviting than the Admin dormitory.
They all walked very calmly into the Tower, a massive and yet curiously graceful structure of smooth, sculpted stone.
The drawings are of some of the graceful structures that have been destroyed in the last 30 years.
This large but graceful structure is one of the most beautiful buildings at the fairgrounds.