A slender blue garter peeked out with every graceful step she took.
His body moved across the room with the graceful steps of a dancer.
He came down the steps like he was dancing, too graceful for words, even after an evening spent with shapeshifters.
She stopped with a graceful half step, threw her head back, paused to take a deep breath.
The holy man nodded slowly, impassively, repeatedly, as he moved forward with graceful steps appropriate to a religious procession.
The vampire hissed and started toward me with a gangling, weirdly graceful step.
Two women came out of the darkness, moving with quiet graceful steps across the blistering hot concrete.
The one passing now, for instance, her step graceful and slow - she knew she was watched!
Every hand on the estate crowded on the graceful front steps to greet them.
"You're lucky, witch," Denon said as he rocked back a graceful step.