If the athlete has the edge now, the graceful athlete has an even greater edge.
THERE he was, running easily around the practice field at the Denver Broncos' training site here, a tall, graceful athlete with a long stride.
But Irabu, perhaps the Yankees' least graceful athlete, earned unexpected notoriety tonight for his hitting.
One contemporary source stated that she was "the personification of womanly health and beauty, distinguished as a graceful athlete and charming linguist".
Miami football players aren't just jocks, they're graceful athletes and, thanks to Twitter, we finally get to see that side.
Two graceful athletes, playing positively.
He was a champion debater, a good student, a strong and graceful athlete in a small, judgmental universe that prized such skills and knew him well.
But Comiskey is thin and lithe on the inside, like a graceful but not particularly handsome athlete.
They were young sisters rooting for the undefeated University of Connecticut women's basketball team - graceful athletes who have become role models for girls across the state.
She describes King as "a grinding, grunting, graceful athlete," and on the next page she writes that Riggs "had envisioned a nervous slug, not a resilient slugger."