A graceful orange-furred animal was feeding at the edge of the pond.
"Have you ever seen a more graceful animal?"
Today all that remains of those graceful animals after overhunting and disease are names on maps.
He moves like a graceful animal on the prowl, a panther perhaps.
I said I'd sleep on it, images of the graceful little animals flitting across my mind's eye.
A seventh animal, considerably more sleek and graceful than the six that carried cargo, came a few meters behind the train.
On the other bank of the river, however, small herds of graceful animals could be seen grazing.
Red wolves are intelligent, beautiful, graceful animals, regardless of their origin.
Stanton seemed transfixed by the nearness of the graceful animal.
He was a graceful, hard, male animal who did nothing overtly to dominate yet dominated completely.