Stalin did not instantly interpret the protocol as permitting the Soviet Union to grab territory.
Make sure none of the neighbouring Warlords decides to capitalise on the momentary chaos to grab territory.
Shortly after, Serbia declared war on Bulgaria in the hope of grabbing territory while the Bulgarians were distracted.
But as population pressure increased bigger, smarter and more dangerous dragons were trying to grab territory on the edge.
A nation became great by grabbing territory.
The short form was that all three sides-human, Selonian, and Drall-were busily engaged in grabbing as much territory as possible, along with whatever ships and equipment they could.
Then a "major South Asian power" begins seeking a dominant world role, grabbing territory of smaller neighbors.
Aggressors are grabbing territory; war crimes are being committed.
After angrily protesting to Schulenburg that the German generals were disregarding the Moscow agreement by trying to grab territory that should go to Russia, he came to the main point.
Each insatiable desire abetted the other, as he grabbed territory to the south and east and co-opted archbishops to divorce and remarry him.