The governor of Mecca leads the honoured guests who ritually clean the structure, using simple brooms.
The governor led the way into the next room and pointed to several long wooden cylinders and to two tubs.
In recent polls, the governor is slightly leading Mr. McBride heading into the final weeks of the campaign.
The governor took Agnes by the hand and led her to the dance floor.
The headteacher, senior staff and governors lead the school very effectively.
The governor and soldiers led them through the downpour to a tiny stockade on the far side of the fort.
A governor and official of the king, called the Catual, leads the Portuguese to the king, who receives them well.
But in 1986 the governor led a successful campaign by the state's voters to remove the chief justice, Miss Rose Bird, and her two liberal colleagues.
And in the suburbs, the governor is leading 56 percent to 28 percent.
The narrowest gap is upstate, where the governor leads 45 percent to 30 percent.