Then the financial squeeze was applied to the agencies themselves by withholding governmental subsidy.
The rise of the tabloid format is associated with withdrawal of governmental subsidies to newspapers in the late 1980s.
Among the priorities of the American negotiators is to win a sharp reduction in governmental subsidies for agriculture.
Cases involving a limited forum, though not controlling, provide instruction for evaluating restrictions in governmental subsidies.
Industries producing this export may receive governmental subsidies and better access to the local markets.
Aside from the standard property-tax abatements given to all residential construction outside midtown Manhattan, there are no governmental subsidies.
Thus the debate was not generally about governmental subsidies for the arts, in particular for literature.
Farmers who are temporarily benefiting from the compensation will soon rely on governmental subsidy once the tree-planting project is completed.
Many candidates in the election proposed increased governmental subsidies to be funded by oil profits.
To increase access, a package of essential public-health services for rural inhabitants and urban migrants should be provided with governmental subsidies.