His mother is the director of governmental relations for Family Planning Advocates in Albany.
The firm's services include strategic consulting and planning, media relations and governmental relations.
Since he left Congress, Cornwell worked in governmental and international relations.
Clinton, the policy wonk, was eager to talk governmental relations even when aides were trying to move him to the next event.
He worked in personnel, security and governmental and community relations, retiring as a senior vice president in 1995.
In 1958 he became vice president for industrial and governmental relations at MIT.
In District 2, Andrew Lachman, the director of governmental and external relations, said "over 300" of 1,100 children expected had not registered.
His areas of practice are governmental relations and insurance.
Larry Dais, an assistant vice president for governmental relations at Columbia University, essentially agrees.
It has chosen an executive with extensive experience in governmental relations who seeks to steer the organization in a more activist direction.