But that had clearly not happened, and formal governmental machinery was needed to handle the sudden wave of labor activity.
In this case, the governmental machinery might actually work.
He was re-elected in 1969, later proclaimed that the governmental machinery was not operating and set about transforming it.
Once he took over the governmental machinery, Peter found a distinct lack of skilled specialists with which to run his government.
Armed with the wide-ranging constitutional powers of a President, he exercised complete control over all governmental machinery during elections.
As government grew, governmental machinery became more complex.
Reagan accomplished his own purposes by a malign neglect of governmental machinery rather than legislative abolition of it.
To eliminate waste in governmental machinery and to work for a substantial reduction in the tax burden the average taxpayer is forced to bear.
This means governmental and private machinery for reviewing major technological advances before they are launched upon the public.
Due to high levels of public debt, or inefficiently organized governmental machinery, some Member States have condemned themselves to high tax rates.