It is a vision of governmental activism that is being adapted to the management of one of the many states that are struggling to meet their needs with dwindling revenues.
John Maynard Keynes, who advocated the policies for reducing unemployment and expanding the economy that today find their expression in deficit spending and governmental activism.
Vladimir Putin, who now serves as acting president, has endorsed these goals and has begun his tenure with a show of personal energy and heightened governmental activism.
She argues that governmental activism cannot be attributed to the influence of the small socialist movement.
So, many once again set aside their mounting cynicism about governmental activism and selected Bill Clinton.
Second Redemption refers to the period following the election of 1968 characterized by more conservatism, and a retreat from governmental and judicial activism on issues of civil rights.
Like the economy itself, Mr. Cuomo's record of governmental activism has withered somewhat during the recession.
The President's call for young Americans to hew to their responsibilities sounded a more traditional theme than his more familiar monologues on governmental activism.
Americans began to move away from the city and into the suburbs, infrastructure and roads were dramatically improved, and governmental activism made travel safer and more efficient.
Rothschild is misleading, however, in describing this as governmental activism.