I would rather trust my health care to a government-run system.
The concept of managed competition (as opposed to a government-run system) appealed to them.
Under this system, total payments from the government-run system were equivalent to about 60-65% of the salary people had before retiring.
I know that a lot of fans of a government-run system will find the Massachusetts solution complicated and inefficient.
But other experts, while agreeing that administrative costs need to be overhauled, say a government-run system is not the best way to make medicine more efficient.
Education in the Soviet Union was organized in a highly centralized government-run system.
Gratzer cited health savings accounts as a success story and bemoaned the state of health care in countries with government-run systems.
I'd like to see, eventually, in this country, some form of universal health care, but I'm not for a government-run system.
Canada's socialist, government-run system is one of the worst.
"I don't trust that an entirely government-run system is going to work."