Three of Spain's government-run hotels, or paradors - noted for their regional cuisine - have begun offering a week of cooking classes that combine culinary instruction with sightseeing excursions into the countryside.
This creepy, until recently government-run hotel, with its spectacular placement and views all squandered, is the town's biggest problem.
Spectacularly set atop a rocky crag, this 83-room, 50's modern-style government-run hotel is a choice place to stay.
The dust and rot-the very air of West Africa-was excluded: a feat requiring nonstop cleaning, which the government-run hotels by the beach, charging over one hundred dollars a night for a room, could not manage.
Please note that the facilities at the government-run hotel here are basic.
Then on Saturday night when the uprising started in Tripoli and this city began to fall, we slowly but surely realised that there was no route out of this government-run hotel.
Roughly 12 miles from the city center and less than a mile from La Albufera, a national park, this government-run hotel has 58 spacious rooms and a restaurant with a sea view.
We flew to Juneau with our girls, then to Glacier Bay, to a government-run hotel.
We flew to Anchorage (one hotel), then drove to Mount McKinley National Park (government-run hotel again) and spent a day going to the mountain with a ranger - bears, moose, sheep in abundance.
From then until his formal arrest in June, Mr. Chen was confined to his house or to a government-run hotel.