Puskas had Alzheimer's disease and had been staying in a government-run hospital for the past six years.
Their move to the government-run hospital was reportedly against the couple's will.
Apart from the government-run hospital there are several private clinics.
Chennai has world-class medical facilities, including both government-run and private hospitals.
The world's seven billionth baby has been born in a packed government-run hospital in the Philippines.
There are 9 private and 1 government-run hospitals in Calamba.
In Malaysia, the largest government-run hospital implemented a program to intervene in cases where domestic violence seems possible.
The only abortions allowed to be performed are done by doctors in government-run hospitals.
New Amsterdam serves as a port and has a government-run hospital.
Luciano is a government-run hospital for the people of the city which has a 250-bed capacity.