A recovery programme was agreed whereby LCR sold government-backed bonds worth £1.6 billion to pay for the construction of section 1, with the future of section 2 still not settled.
The venue would be publicly financed through sales tax rebates, government-backed bonds and hotel and car rental taxes.
Is your fund: a) a stable and secure portfolio of conservative government-backed bonds or b) a leveraged pool of highly complex securities managed through esoteric computer models?
In 1968, Ginnie Mae was the first to issue a new type of government-backed bond, known as the residential mortgage-backed security.
Banks looking to raise capital set to follow Goldman Sachs after strong demand for its government-backed bond.
The development corporation's money comes from government-backed bonds that have been pooled nationally by other providers in the S.B.A. 504 program and then sold to institutional investors.
The assets of each subsidiary were government-backed mortgage bonds and other financial instruments, most of which were purchased from the parent, Crossland Bank.
At a ribbon cutting for the new Jersey City Medical Center in 2004, Dr. Metsch lavished the congressman with praise for his help in securing government-backed bonds.
Much of what little new multifamily housing is forthcoming in New York City in the early 90's is likely to make use of government-backed bonds.
For bond investors, purchasing such bonds is a relative no-brainer, as they are government-backed bonds which pay a higher interest rate.