While the government weighs its options, surgeons implant more and more human tissue.
The federal government has recently weighed in on the same issue - literally.
At least nine governments are seriously weighing plans to put their state-owned telephone companies up for sale in the months ahead and others may follow.
The government will weigh the comments and then issue a final rule with the force of law.
It could cause tremendous political and economic upheavals, a fact that the government would weigh carefully.
Last year, the British government weighed legislation that would give investors the power to vote down rich severance packages, but the bill was not approved.
The government, trying to restore democracy, is weighing the possibility of sending in federal police.
We're pleased to see the federal government weigh in and enforce this seriously.
Never had he seen a Soviet or Russian government seriously weigh the use of nuclear weapons.
As the government weighed its options, the violence continued today.